Still not showing in own box
Whats all this mean ??
Auto replacement
Here you can choose if you want to use the Auto replacement Funktion of this Hack. If not, you have to edit the Tempates. If you choose to do this, use the Variable $usergrouplegendbits in your Templates !
Yes No
Search String (Under WOL)
Enter the Searchstring, after which the Legend should be shown up. Edit this Option only, if the Legend is not shown up ! Leafe it blank to disable Auto Replacement for this Usergrouplegend-Type
Auto Replace (Own Box)
Enter the Searchstring, after which the Legend should be shown up. Edit this Option only, if the Legend is not shown up ! Leafe it blank to disable Auto Replacement for this Usergrouplegend-Type (Own Box)
Edit : Got it .... Guest tracking hack was effecting it so I've removed the guest trackin hack and now it works (sort of) but its below Users Registered Today hack..
Edit (again) : moved the user reg today code and now working a treat .. TY