Originally Posted by kanadian
Is there a general rule of thumb for setting a base/starting price if you're looking to sell your website? I've heard 2 years revenue is typical.
I was offered 10k for my site but I turned it down and countered with double that but I've never sold a forum before (so I went with an estimated 2 years rev) I think I scared him away too.
In my opinion the site value should be based on Active members, thread counts, forum activity and revenue.
People the post unique member visits are useless unless they register and actual post on a continious rate. I believe 2-3 year revenue is a good start.
If you make for example $5K per year and sell the site for $10K that means that the new owner will recover their spent cost in two years then make 90% profit after that because you have to account for hosting and maintence costs