Originally Posted by Luggruff
Are you going to add a link in the postbit or something, allowing this moderating to be alot easier?
You could use something like this if you can find yourself a suitable button image:
<if condition="can_moderate()"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/forumban.png" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='hand';" onClick="window.open('modcp/forumban.php?do=ban&userid=$post[userid]&forumid=$forum[forumid]','ban','width=700,height=400,scrollbars=yes')" /></if>
If you don't want to use a button:
<if condition="can_moderate()"><a href="window.open('modcp/forumban.php?do=ban&userid=$post[userid]&forumid=$forum[forumid]','ban','width=700,height=400,scrollbars=yes')">Ban User</a></if>
If you do the latter, I suggest you change "Ban User" to a phrase for uniformity.