Originally Posted by micheal332001
With any script you sometimes have to wait a few days for the updates to be done and i can tell you, that you got the league on 11-20-2007 and your first post about this problem was on the 11-27-2006
That was my first POST here on vB - only because you would not respond at your board to any PM's. I was very respectful in my initial questions and reports, however, you simply chose to ignore me.
Originally Posted by micheal332001
i have been sorting out the spelling misstakes.
There is nothing to 'sort' through. You asked me to send you a detailed list of the errors (which I did). I even resent the extensive list because you claimed you 'lost my email' when your 'computer crashed' (it was sent via pm).
Originally Posted by micheal332001
A scammer is someone that will take your money and not help in any way
Exactly. You have not attempted to help me with your (now defunct product) in any way.
Originally Posted by micheal332001
I think people like you should be banned for not giving time for any thing to be fixed and having a attitude.
As you indicated in this post, I purchased your script on 11/20. Today is 12/11, and the spelling errors have not been fixed - despite the fact that you were given a detailed list of the errors and the corrections. (Even if you had fixed one error per day, you would be about done, by now.)
Morever, when I first brought the spelling and technical problems to your attention, your response was to pull the entire script from purchase. You also indicated that that a NEW script would be released 'within a few days' and that earlier customers would get that script at no charge. Needless to say, this hasn't happened, nor have you responded to my requests for a date that the new script would be released.
Lastly, I also paid for installation service that you didn't perform. This wasn't refunded either.
You are a scammer, who like the others, always needs 'time to sort through things' or has 'computer crashes' when a customer has a complaint.
Fortunately, in all the years I've been a member here, this is the first scam I've been taken by. As I stated ealier, the overwhelming majority of coders and others here are very honest people who do fantastic work.
I just received an email indicating that all spelling errors that I reported have been fixed, and I am to uninstall the old product and re-install the corrected one. So, for now, the only thing I'm out is the money I paid for 'installation service' that was never performed or attempted.