Paul, I have ungraded this, but instead of over wrtting everything, i simply uninstalled it, deleted the database tables for the flashchat, deleted the flashchat files, uploaded new files, installed 4.7.7 and then installed your hack.
Everything works fine so far, but I noticed that your version on the actual Flashchat room did not change for me.
Product management says 3.08, but the room says 3.07 with your copyright.
1) i want to make sure it's the newest version
2) Did you (or I) miss something that was supposed to be changed?
In your xml I found this:
<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
<title>FlashChat Integration (4)</title>
<phpcode><![CDATA[$version = '3.07';
Should that be 3.08 maybe?