Right on man, i really appreciate the look into the site like that for me.
Ride of the month and Bold moves as well as babe of the day should be fixed.
Not sure on the Powertv issue yet, do you see the Page image or are you seeing an apache error? I can't tell from work, when i click on the link it take's me to the image i am supposed to see, till the channel is actually online in january.
Lmao, i fixed the typo for wallpaper..never even noticed that.
I have the navbar split like that into different section's as far as what a person would see coming to .com verses forums.com.....i should probably just build drop down menu's, would probably look better anyways.
Not sure on the chat time out issue, it works perfectly from work, but we are on a T1 connection here and i am on broadband at home.
I could see all of the avatar's on the arcade, my server load was showing faily high though, that could be the issue.
Awesome catch on the navbar home link issue, i never even noticed that and the link was still set up for member's and not just open public..........Tiz fixed now.
Typo on the picgallery is made too, and i moved the images for my ride and bold move's to a different gallery instead of hotlinking it from the actual thread......anyone should now be able to see those images.
Thanks a bunch for finding those issue's, i really appreciate the time you spent checkin that out for me.........and uh, i am sorry to have hijacked your forum's view thread.......hehehe