Originally Posted by basskiller
The senrio I described was goofing around tp see if it could be done.
It's unintelligent to think it can't be done because you don't think someone should do it.
Here let me explain it to you.
Lets say you have a few admins on your site. You get into an arguement with one of them.. He decides he wants to get even with you or whatever.. He puts you in that usergroup.
As a default. The vbulletin script is built so the owner and whomever you wish can not be deleted. This is done through an addition to a PHP file.
This hack hasn't quite circumvented the defult, but has put a huge damper on it
I understand your point, but I still think it's unintelligent.
I would never make an admin on board that I did not trust, or thought was that immature that they would do that, so it is unlikely that would happen on my board, and if it did there are ways to gain that access back. Trust me on this, If I was the owner of the board they would no longer be an admin.
Make the owner of the board unalterable in the config.php file in the includes directory, that way their usergroup cannot be changed if it is that bothersome. It's a good idea to do anyways.
I just tried to alter one of my admins that is set to unalterable usergroup to the miserable users user group and I got the correct error message. "Sorry, this user is protected from being altered in the config.php file by the $config['SpecialUsers']['undeletableusers'] variable." If this message does not show then you have an incorrect setting in the config file.