Originally Posted by hotwheels
I really only hooked myself up bro, with the bogus profile field entries, and for months nobody helped to jump in and put the correct alter field in the .xml........I said from the beginning when i shared how i did it, that i am "no coder"........Funny thing is though, over 50 people used my bogus way into the 2 huge profile field entries, which was pretty tough to do, since all you have to do is run 2 queries........it may cause arthritis in your finger's having to cut and paste and click run.......whew.
and as stated here. "I am no coder"......
Yeah I know dude .. I was not having a go at you ..

It's all good .. I was just saying you don't need to create the bogus (bogus to vbulletin as the descriptions moved not to us) profile fields with the latest update from deathemperor. Don't be so defensive