Originally Posted by Mickie D
amen to number 3)
jesus what a time consuming load of bollox that was (no offence) apache is fine for me.
what is better sapi or cgi to compile ?
thanks for the reply im nearly there just got tar everything up and ssh it and should be ready to rock and roll
Cheers again i will recompile php now and waiste less time
If lighttpd wasn't noticeably faster then you didn't configure it correctly. As to it being difficult to use, I don't really know anything about the problem you had but it works pretty much out of the box. The only options you have to set are the root document path and the user/group.
In any case, as far as PHP speed goes, it's SAPI > FastCGI > CGI. Always use the native filter if there is one, if not Fast CGI. If you think you have to use CGI, you're going something wrong.