I think I found the problem regarding the above issue, but I am not a coder, etc, so I can't help fix it properly and as such broke it a little, but with much minor issues. I did however fix it for my needs, and until a proper fix comes from someone that knows what they are doing as opposed to me, then I will use it since it's better than above I think. Again, please realize, I really have no idea what I am doing, so back up your arcade.php file if you want to try this.
That said, I added some hard coded text because my "fix" disabled the $costhtmlstart and removed the "Costs to play" text, as again, I really have no idea what I am doing here. Anyways, this is what I did, and hopefully from that Mr. Z can find a proper fix for us.
Basicly all I did was change $costhtmlstart .= to $costhtmlstart = (took the period out) and that fixed it (but caused other smaller issues), added the hard Coded vbbux text and a <br />
Open arcade.php
// detect vBplaza
if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1))
$costhtmlstart = "<br /><span class=\"smallfont\">".$ibforums->lang['costs_tourneyj'];
$costhtmlend = "</span>";
$DB->query("SELECT t.nbtries, t.plibre, t.creat, t.gid, t.numplayers,t.datestarted,t.tid,t.champion,t.cost,g.gtitle FROM ibf_tournaments as t, ibf_games_list as g WHERE t.gid = g.gid AND demare = 0 ORDER BY datestarted DESC");
while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
$row['link'] = "<a href='".$ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=viewtourney&tid=".$row['tid']."'>".$ibforums->lang['see_this_tourney']."</a>";
if ($costhtmlstart!="")
// add the costs to HTML and format it (vBplaza-Setting!)
$costhtmlstart .= vb_number_format($row['cost'], $vbulletin->options['vbbux_decimalplaces']);
$row['inscrire'] = "<a href='".$ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=registertourney&tid=".$row['tid']."'>".$ibforums->lang['register']."</a>".$costhtmlstart.$costhtmlend;
Replace with:
// detect vBplaza
if (($vbulletin->options['vbbux_enabled'] == 1) && ($vbulletin->options['vbbux_arcadeintegration'] == 1))
$costhtmlstart = "<br /><span class=\"smallfont\">".$ibforums->lang['costs_tourneyj'];
$costhtmlend = " vbBux to play</span>";
$DB->query("SELECT t.nbtries, t.plibre, t.creat, t.gid, t.numplayers,t.datestarted,t.tid,t.champion,t.cost,g.gtitle FROM ibf_tournaments as t, ibf_games_list as g WHERE t.gid = g.gid AND demare = 0 ORDER BY datestarted DESC");
while($row = $DB->fetch_row()) {
$row['link'] = "<a href='".$ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=viewtourney&tid=".$row['tid']."'>".$ibforums->lang['see_this_tourney']."</a>";
if ($costhtmlstart!="")
// add the costs to HTML and format it (vBplaza-Setting!)
$costhtmlstart = vb_number_format($row['cost'], $vbulletin->options['vbbux_decimalplaces']);
$row['inscrire'] = "<a href='".$ibforums->vars['base_url']."do=registertourney&tid=".$row['tid']."'>".$ibforums->lang['register']."</a><br />".$costhtmlstart.$costhtmlend;
A screen shot is attached, so that you can see the result.