Tested on 3.6.4 and it works
I have a problem, don't know if its as a result of using this hack or vbulletin itself. What happens is, After posting tables iamges etc... if I try to Advance edit it, or select the alternative view (the one which shows you the post code) all table codes are gone so after saving the editing, The pots loses all its structure
HTML Code:
<table border=3 width=100% bordercolor=#1066FF bgcolor=#FFFFFF cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td width=100% colspan=3><table border=1 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 bgcolor=#1066FF><tr><td width=48%><p align=center>[color=#FFF9ED][size=20][b]NolF[/b][/size][/color]</td><td width=4%><table border=3 width=100% bgcolor=#E7F9FB><tr><td width=100%><img border=0 src=http://www.elrincondelmanga.com/dracco_ftp/fotos_internet/estrellas/mascotas/sonido.jpg width=35 height=35></td></tr></table></td><td width=48%><p align=center></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td width=33% align=center valign=middle><img border=0 src=http://img474.imageshack.us/img474/7596/images2yx.jpg width=30 height=27></td><td width=33% align=center>Subiendo</td><td width=34% align=center><img border=0 src=http://img474.imageshack.us/img474/3707/21ln.jpg width=30 height=27></td></tr><tr><td width=33%><table width=90% align=center><tr><td><font color=#9f1f1f>
- (S) Death note (emitiendo) + peli
- (S) Evangelion Subtitulado (AnS) + Peliculas
- (S) Full Metal Panic: The second Raid
- (S) GTO Live (12/[1]/12) + pelis
- (S) Hajime no Ippo
- (S) Hikaru no Go (a medias xD)
- (S) Kimi ga nozomu eien
- (S) Sadamitsu el destructor
- (S) Speed Grapher
- (S) The law of ueki AnP
- (S) Ulises 31
- (O) Video Girl Ai<P>
<td width=33%><table width=90% align=center><tr><td><font color=#108000>
- (S) Getbackers (49) [postear/plantilla]
- (S) Hikaru no go [postear/plantilla] <P>
<td width=33%><table width=90% align=center><tr><td><font color=#1000ff>
- (S) Grenadier (13)
- (S) Lamune ~Glass Bin ni Utsuru Umi (13)
- (O) Ogre Slayer (4) (reconsiderando)
- (S) OutlawStar (26) [Dual] <P>
After editing
HTML Code:
- (S) Death note (emitiendo) + peli
- (S) Evangelion Subtitulado (AnS) + Peliculas
- (S) Full Metal Panic: The second Raid
- (S) GTO Live (12/[1]/12) + pelis
- (S) Hajime no Ippo
- (S) Hikaru no Go (a medias xD)
- (S) Kimi ga nozomu eien
- (S) Sadamitsu el destructor
- (S) Speed Grapher
- (S) The law of ueki AnP
- (S) Ulises 31
- (O) Video Girl Ai[/COLOR][COLOR=#9f1f1f]
- (S) Getbackers (49) [postear/plantilla]
- (S) Hikaru no go [postear/plantilla] [/COLOR][COLOR=#108000]
- (S) Grenadier (13)
- (S) Lamune ~Glass Bin ni Utsuru Umi (13)
- (O) Ogre Slayer (4) (reconsiderando)
- (S) OutlawStar (26) [Dual] [/COLOR][COLOR=#1000ff]
I hope the problem is explained propely, I desperetly need a fix... I don't want it to go to deaf ears, it is just too good to leave this small detail left out
Thanks to kall for the hack and Kirby for the hints