Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975
hmmm - just looked at the demo version on your site. Looks suspiciously like PsiStats with a few more options and advancements...
Looks nice though. Don't think I'll be shelling out any EUROS for the professional version..... Yet anyway.
Discuss the differences and advantages between this hack and PsiStats please.
I don't know all the features of PsiStats, but look for yourself:
These are the features of vBStatistic
Professional Edition:
Professional Edition contains 39 different modules in 9 different categories.
The following modules are covered:
Category: Forum information (summary)
* Forum information (summary)
* Forum contents (summary)
* User (common information)
* Installed and active products (extensions)
* Forum statistics (multimodule)
Category: The last 'X' statistics
* The last announcements
* The last 'sticky' marked threads
* The last threads
* The last postings
* The last polls
* The last registrations
* The last attachments
Category: The most 'X' statistics
* Threads with most replies
* Most read threads
* Polls with most participants
* Most rated threads
* Best liked icons
Category: User statistics (reg. users)
* User(s) with most postings
* Next birthdays in this year
Category: Attachment statistics
* Best liked attachments (downloads)
* Largest attachments
* Attachments with highest traffic
* The last attachments (images)
Category: Visitor log information
* Countries of visitors
* Visitors by continent
* Browser and operating system of visitors
* Primary browser language of visitors
* Screen resolution of visitors
* Visitor statistics (multi module)
* Plugins/Colordepth of visitors
* System check
Category: Spider/Crawler - Search engines and search services
* Spider/Crawler visits
* Search services
* Keywords and search keys from Google inquiries
* Keywords from other search engines
Category: Referer information
* Known referer domains
* Known referer URL
* including integrated WHOis retrieval
Category: vBStatistic Professional Edition update / news system
* vBStatistic Professional Edition update / news system
vBStatistic Professional Edition has own usergroup rights and multitude settings in ACP.
In addition vBStatistic Professional contains an integrated layer and tooltip system respectively.