Originally Posted by LBmtb
I have the same problem. :ermm: Photopost version 5.3.1 and VB 3.6. If you need a few bucks via paypal for 'encouragement,' PM me. This would be very nice if it would would perfectly. Dont know if it matters but I also paid for GARS.
I had the same problem and changed two of the SQL Select statements in the geek-gallery-popup.php file to ignore the row if it's a category (storecat=0).
here are the two places I had to change for PP:
PHP Code:
$pages = $db->query_first("SELECT count(id) total FROM $gallery_db" . $pp_prefix . "photos WHERE userid=$userid");
PHP Code:
$pages = $db->query_first("SELECT count(id) total FROM $gallery_db" . $pp_prefix . "photos WHERE userid=$userid AND storecat=0");
PHP Code:
images.id AS imageid,images.cat,c.catname AS cattitle,'' AS extention,images.title,
images.bigimage AS filename,images.medsize,images.width owidth, images.height oheight,images.medwidth width,images.medheight height
FROM $gallery_db" . $pp_prefix . "photos AS images
INNER JOIN $gallery_db" . $pp_prefix . "categories AS c on images.cat=c.id
WHERE images.userid=$userid and images.approved=1 ORDER BY images.date DESC LIMIT $start ," . ($perpage);
PHP Code:
images.id AS imageid,images.cat,c.catname AS cattitle,'' AS extention,images.title,
images.bigimage AS filename,images.medsize,images.width owidth, images.height oheight,images.medwidth width,images.medheight height
FROM $gallery_db" . $pp_prefix . "photos AS images
INNER JOIN $gallery_db" . $pp_prefix . "categories AS c on images.cat=c.id
WHERE images.userid=$userid and images.storecat=0 and images.approved=1 ORDER BY images.date DESC LIMIT $start ," . ($perpage);