This is a long thread and it's late, so please forgive me if my questions are already asked/answered...
(1) Can I make groups not allowed to be hidden and/or private?
(2) There is a typo on the main group page. In the left column, under the Group Leader info, instead of "Category" it says "Gateogory" -- where do I go to fix that?
(3) When an invite is sent, the screen with the confirmation message actually says "grps_invitesent" instead of the message it should say. I'm new to vB and don't know where I can edit language files (if that's what they are in vB) to correct this.
(4) Where/how do I change the images shown by default?
(5) Is there a way to control how many characters can be used in the intro?
That's all I have for now, but so far, great, and my members are very excited about it!