Something to note while testing your setup before you run this:
Originally Posted by ventrilo staff
When starting the ventrilotest.php script from a web browser one of several things will happen. It will either:
A) Work perfectly and give you all of the requested information from the server.
B) Display the error: No response from server.
C) Display the error: PHP Unable to start external status process.
If (A) then nothing else needs to be done unless you want to tweak the server and tighten down the hatches, which we would encourage you to do. However, if it suddenly stops working then you are not configuring the system correctly and the responsibility is yours to figure it out. If you do not fully understand the advanced options of the servers INI file then you should let some more qualified set it up for you.
If (B) then you are at least able to spawn the external status program successfully. This usually means that you either didn't specify the correct IP address or host name in the m_cmdhost option, the wrong port number in the m_cmdport option, the wrong password in the m_cmdpass option, the server is not up and running, the server is not accessible from this machine due to router/firewall constraints or any Filter commands in the server INI file.
If (C) then you have not specified the correct path and file name for the ventrilo_status program.