Okay folks here's the backstory:
To get this to work if, like me, you use one host for webserver, and another for the ventrilo, you are going to have invisible problems.
The reason is this:
1) Most ventrilo servers that you rent won't have their .ini setup to allow it to talk to the ventrilo_status file on your web server.
2) Most web hosts will have the php querying another file blocked for any file that is NOT on your host.
3) The file ventril_status is an executable binary. Most commercial hosts won't allow this for fear of it being an automated bot of some sort used to hack, phish, spam etc.
4) The script wasn't written to display specific php errors in regards to whether it communicates or not. To make sure you are able to use the system download the example scripts at
www.ventrilo.com and run the ventrilotest.php file. That will give you a better idea what is going on with your setup. You'll need to hand edit the config file first, so read the readme!
If you are using separate hosts then be prepared to don your diplomatic hat for awhile if you are serious about getting this to work.
For the most part this is designed for the folks who run their own servers where the ventrilo and the webserver are under their control.
At least that is what I have found so far. I'm being diplomatic with my webhost, so we'll see if I can get it to work. I'll detail what I run into if my host says I can use the executable.