I have tried many times to used the Mod_Rewrite and use the seo_friendly links, but I can't get it to work.
1. I have an .htaccess file and I added the 5 lines noted in the LDM manual.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule local_links/links/(.+)/(.+) local_links.php?catid=$1&linkid=$2 [R]
RewriteRule local_links/links/(.+) local_links.php?catid=$1 [R]
RewriteRule local_links/jump/(.+)/(.+) local_links.php?action=jump&id=$1&catid=$2 [R]
RewriteRule local_links/jump/(.+) local_links.php?action=jump&id=$1 [R]
2. Then I turn to YES the seo_friendly.
but is not working, when I click one of the categories it takes me back to LDM index page.
What am doing wrong?
My forum has vBSEO, do you think that is interfering with the mod?