Just to let you know mate - fixed the probs of not displaying more than 10 - it appears some of the songs added which have "character accents" in the names also does strange things

I did see the single/double quotes thing are a known bug, so I know you'll be looking at issues of filtering input anyway, hope this helps a little along the way.
heres some of the ones that were causing probs.
(as if blank spaces werent bad enough!)
/07%20-%20Estoy%20Aqu%ed.mp3', 'true', 0, 'Shakira,Estoy Aqu?.', 1);
/06%20-%20Inevitable.mp3', 'true', 0, 'Shakira, Inevitable', 1);
/05%20-%20Ciega,%20Sordomuda.mp3', 'true', 0, 'Shakira, Ciega,Sordomuda', 1);
/04%20-%20Moscas%20en%20la%20Casa.mp3', 'true', 0, 'Shakira,MoscasenlaCasa.', 1);
/03%20-%20D%f3nde%20Est%e1n%20Los%20Ladrones.mp3', 'true', 0, 'Shakira,D?ndeEst?nLosLadrones', 1);
/02%20-%20Si%20te%20Vas.mp3', 'true', 0, 'Shakira,Si-te-Vas', 1);
fixing this also seemed to stop the glitch of jumping to next track if the seek bar was dragged along past halfway..
Anyway - just thought I'd post this in case it helps with your debugging
cheers syrus