even the php files have the
[] (this is replacing the retuns and tabs), the format you are saving them seems to be strange
How are you extracting them (I have download these and used winzip, and they dont do this for me)
I have now updated the zip file with no compression to see if this helps you (oddly it didnt do the same thing for TheBlackPoet or me)
If all else fails try directy downloading the files from here:
open up the TickerInfo.txt, does it still have the [] where there should be a return (new line).
If not upload these and that should solve it, no idea why your files were being extracted in the format they were.
If you want to change the setup so it updates every couple of hours look at the fetchRSS2.php
change the following code:
PHP Code:
if ( ((date('h') - date('h', filemtime("TempRSSFeed.txt")) ) > 6) ||
((date('d') - date('d', filemtime("TempRSSFeed.txt")) ) > 0) )
PHP Code:
if ( ((date('h') - date('h', filemtime("TempRSSFeed.txt")) ) > 1) ||
((date('d') - date('d', filemtime("TempRSSFeed.txt")) ) > 0) )
Good luck
Ill change the jar when i get time so you only need to link to the term AI (less space)