Originally Posted by el fuego
Could you have it re-order the 4 pictures each time they are presented? So that a click on image #1 would sometimes be correct and sometimes not? Also have the required image name be changed. For instance, one time it asks for the butterfly, the next it may ask for the soccer ball (randomly of course), and each time it changes both the question, and the location of the proper response?
Possibly also expand the hack to include many more possible images, but only randomly choose 4 at a time to display.
Along with your idea of a 24hr lock out for "x" amount of wrong answers, this could be a formidable hack.
I'm no coder... so I have no idea how hard this would be. But it seems to me that this randomness would keep the Bots at bay for quite some time.
The answer to that is not programming, but adding no-cache headers.