Originally Posted by Foxsake
Thanks for your quick response on this, i will try it this evening.
Hopefully all will go to plan.
One question from a newbie though - I don’t understand where to find the local file tempRSSFeed.txt?
I cant find anything called that or anything called local files, but hey i am probably looking in the completely wrong place Sorry
Cheers mpage
The local is the same place your vbulletin files are stored and should be the same place the jar file is stored.
If the file tempRSSFeed.txt? isn’t present but you uploaded all of the php files and the jscript file (all of which have been tested), and you are using the default settings (which has been tested)
This leaves only one source of error:
Originally Posted by Mpage
2. In your FORUMHOME Template you have forgotten to replace <body> with:
<BODY onLoad="javascript:sndReq()" >
<script type="text/javascript" src="JSsource.js"></script>
-Please make sure you follow the instructions
To see if this is the case, go to your fourmhome page right click>view source> search for the term "</head>", under this you will see the code for the body it should display:
PHP Code:
<BODY onLoad="javascript:sndReq()" >
<script type="text/javascript" src="JSsource.js"></script>
and not just
If it displays just "<body>" you have not yet edited you forumhome template
To edit the forum home template: Styles & templates>Style Manager> <<>> > Forum Home Templates
Then search for <body> and change appropriately
I suspect the problem that you might have found is that you only did this for one style, and not the main style that ppl will use, so do this for each style to be sure.
One other possibility is that you have not enable javascripts in your browser, this isn’t a problem since the applet still works without javascript enabled, but the rss feed requires JavaScript for it to be updated. Once again this isnt a problem, since if at least one user comes to your forum per day with JS enabled the applet will be updated every day (most ppl do not have JS disabled since all of the Ajax sites would fail to work).
To test it with the tempRSSFeed.txt I have added the file to this post, upload this to where you have stored your forum files: