Originally Posted by JD45
Alrighty, the hack is working however, I don't see a preview and no user bar is seen when making/saving one.
I checked the host and I made sure GD2 is installed.
Hey guys, I had the very same problem:
1. The base image did not show
2. Once saved, the image also did not show.
I fixed the script by doing the following:
Step 1: Fixing the base image to show
1. Open the uploadImage.php (in folder userbar/designer/actions) file in a text editor. Look for:
$path = '../images/content/'.$_GET['id'].'.png?=wtf'.mt_rand(1,1337);
Change this to:
$path = 'userbar/images/content/'.$_GET['id'].'.png?=wtf'.mt_rand(1,1337);
Upload to userbar/designer/actions and overwrite the original file. You will now see the base image.
Step 2: Fixing the saved image to show
1. FTP into your website root and go to your Userbar folder.
2. Create a new folder called 'show' - show
3. Chmod this folder to 777.
Your script will now work.