There are some problems.
First here is my site where you can test for yourself:
Problem 1: With my Cingular BlackJack phone (running Windows Mobile 5 - MS Smartphone) it does not detect and use the mobile style.
Problem 2: If I manually choose the mobile style from the style drop-down box at the bottom of my home page and select Mobile Device Style I will get Zachary's style but there is a problem with it. Whenever I load the style it asks me to log in again so I do. I can go to the forum home page and see the forums and drill down until I find topics but once I display the topics page and choose a topic to read, it asks me to log in again and there is no way to reply to a topic. I log in and it reloads the page and asks me to log in again, the login isn't sticking.
I'm going to go off and try it with my Blackberry next...