A question about the queries...
Usergroup enabled to see the stats (FORUMHOME):
15 queries
Usergroup disabled to see the stats (FORUMHOME):
15 queries (stats aren't displayed)
When i disable the product, 11 queries are runned... Isn't it possible to disable the product execution completely if the usergroup isn't allowed to view it?
Majority of the visitors of my forum are the guests and i didn't want to waste my server resources for something hidden to them, so i edited the following plugin and added some lines at the top and at the bottom:
Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics - MN
Added these lines at the top of the codes:
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'] == 1)
And this line at the bottom:
Worked for me, no extra queries for the hidden content.