Originally Posted by pcoskat
When will that be?
I JUST purchased your pro product a week ago after several pm's with you on your site. You didn't indicate that the version I was purchasing had issues that wouldn't be fixed, nor did you indicate that a new version was forthcoming, and the one that I was buying would be taken off of the market. In fact, you asked me to send you a complete list of the mispelled words.
Are you offering a concrete date for the release of the NEW 'improved' product, with an offer to refund the purchase price to those who don't want to wait?
After I sent you a pm via your site on the 25th, you sent the following response:
I notice that you have not responded to my numerous pm's since then, despite the lengthy list of errors I sent to you. Am I just out of luck with your company, or can I count on a response as a professional courtesy?
There is no system errors with the script and the only thing that needs updating is the speeling as you have said.
Also could you please resend that e-mail as my comp crashed and had to reinstall with a backup and lost alot of emails.
The issus you have in that email will be updated in the pro version within the next few days.
Also please dont post problems with any pro version here as this is only for free script.
I do my best to sort out problems with all my scripts free and pro, some times it my take me a while to answer back to you but this does not mean i am not sorting things out.