taxick: Basicly this hack will create a new section on your fourms where you can have a database of glossary terms about anything you like, be it computer terms, internet terms, gaming, etc. It also has a feture that always to crosslink from the glossary to within your forums posts.
ssvp: As long as you havn't missed a step in the install it should work. However in the settings you have to first active it, two options at the very bottom where you can have it on in the glossary only or the forums as well. The alphabet sort will only show once you choose a directory. Try the typing in the following:
freevisio: There should be a manuel about install under the 'do_not_upload' dir. Follow the steps in 'First time install'. The xml product is in the xml folder which you can upload from your computer instead of the server. As for it to show in the thread posts you need to set it in the glossary settings by setting the 'Forum Post Glossary Crosslinking' to 'Yes'. Also make sure you have installed very thing step by step. I will have to look in the manuel to see if it all right but I should be lol..
StarBuG: I have been noticing that it didn't but then once the page was refreshed it worked on a nother vb members forum. Not I said before its not a 100% feature, got to take it as it is. But it seems to be as long as then install is done correctly seems to work fine. As for having the term with description to show on mouseover is something I'm working on, just can't get it to work correctly. Problem is html and other bbcode mess up the link. The 'click here' text is just temp filler lol. The glossary setting I don't think I meant to show to mods. With the moderate idea, thought of it but never got around to adding the feature. Oh and dublicate entries have not been tested, has also been missed and will have to be worked on. Thanks for that reminder will have to add those last two to my task list. Oh with the greman translation I have given permission to captainslater to create one for all the phrases. Also happy to hear you like the hack.
dilbert: Happy to here you are enjoying the hack! At this time any edits to the popup are done in the functions_glossary.php file. The spacing a little bug to deal with but the main thing is to get the description to load instead. Will have to figure something out one day unless, having problems tho lol. With the crosslink, at this time you need to either have a space or any of the following charcaters .,;:!? at the end to load the crosslinking. I havn't been able to make the crosslinking work without a space yet and I don't know if I ever will lol.
q8-star: Ah not sure why its doing that. Looks like your forum is all on the right side instead of the left, did you try testing it the normal way the posts are done?