Ok I have uploaded, and tested the new zip version above, and it worked
1.For fresh installs the first time you run this it will look like it hasnt worked (since the downloading of the RSS feed occurs after the page has loaded), so the applet will not run
after you have opened it the first time wait a few seconds, then close all of the windows (all!).
2. Then open a new window, goto your forum and it should be working now. (if you have followed the installation instructions)
If you change the RSS = "http://p.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?c=Top%20finance%20stories&o=rss002"
To an RSS feed of your choice, if you want to see the change immediately, delete the file tempRSSFeed.txt if it is available in your local dir.
Then once again like it was a fresh install go to step 1. Above and then step 2.
if you have found there is no tempRSSFeed.txt file in you local dir, this could be due to 3 reasons
1. The RSS feed was not available to download, try the RSS feed given as default to see if this was the case
2. In your FORUMHOME Template you have forgotten to replace <body> with:
<BODY onLoad="javascript:sndReq()" >
<script type="text/javascript" src="JSsource.js"></script>
-Please make sure you follow the instructions
3 You have not yet visited the FORUMHOME page to allow the 1st download to occur, or have not uploaded all of the files