Originally Posted by wizardan
My first install had a few minor issues... postbit link not showing up, etc.
If you were doing the edits manually, that is fixed in the 2.1.1 vBulletin product. It was a bug (sorry about that). If you didn't try the manual edit, then it's likely a conflict with another hack and a manual edit of the template should resolve the issue.
Originally Posted by wizardan
A fresh install to a new forum we're building on a PHP 5 script server is giving me a little grief. The installer won't run. I need to recheck my file uploads one last time I suppose.
Did you download the release we just put out? We fixed a few issues which could cause what you're experiencing.
Originally Posted by wizardan
May I ask if there is a specific address where I could put in for a support ticket?
http://zoints.com/support.z -- we'd be happy to help you in any way we can.