Originally Posted by bada_bing
Cool Mod if I think id does what im imagining.. Couple of questions is this feature usergroup based as I would only like my premium members to use it.
Also my site is on a Windows Server so it does not have any rewite scripts and my ISP will not install any so the mod_rewrite module I believe is not available.
Also you posted a link to a demo http://www.xboxusersgroup.com/forums/vbuserbar.php
I would rather not have to register to only see a demo, is there a test ID we can use?
Last but not least :classic: is there any screen shots of menus of how a user can create his own userbar ?
Hey Bada_bing,
Currently there is no usergroup support added. It's on the list for V2 todo. The mod rewrite is however necessary because or the URL rewrite for the images and chache.
Is the server running apache on windows or just using php support on IIS.
I have the app running on a windows machine too and on a linux machine so with apache there shouldn't be any issues.
ps: this app is also available on 3.6.X
Screenshots in attachment.