The solution would be an example like this:
(easy learning by doing - this is not a ready product just to install

1) Go in your Admin Control Panel (ACP)
2) Scroll down to "Plugins & Products" on the left side in acp's nav-frame
3) Expand "Plugin & Products" and choose "Add New Plugin"
4) Then specify:
Product: vBulletin (if you haven't till yet an own product specified, so keep "vBulletin" as default)
Hook Location: reputation_add_process (this is the hook on which your code runs)
Title: inform members about received reputation (or whatever you want)
Execution order: 5 (leave the default if you haven't many other plugins on the same hook)
Plugin PHP Code*: (it's the php-code that will run on this hook)
mail($userinfo['email'], "Reputation with score ".$score." was given at post no. ".$postid." by ".$vbulletin->userinfo['username'], "reason:\n".$vbulletin->GPC['reason']."\nthread title:\n".$threadinfo[title], "From: ".$vbulletin->options['webmasteremail']."\r\n");
Plugin is Active: Choose "
YES" or it won't work! (
no is the default)
5) Control if all inputs are matching and then click the "
SAVE" button below!
You're done and you can be proud! You made your first little plugin
*This is just a very simple sample. You can modify it by your own wishes if you know what you do

Note: If comes a white page instead of the page redirect
your own php code could contain a parse error.