Because I am heavily promoting it and it already got 800 uniques yesterday..
Bottom line here is that I am an expert SEO and site promoter. I have plenty of sites that get thousands of uniques per day so I know how to promote a site. Unlike similar site owners, this is not a hobby for me. It is my livlihood.
I'm not only promoting this site in the forum webmaster community but I am also promoting it to the general public so that I actually have some traffic to send to all the webmasters submitting threads. With this mod soon your users will be submitting threads so you don't have to.
My reasoning behind this mod is simple. The more people that find out about ThreadSoup on your forums and others the more traffic ThreadSoup can send to any forum that gets a link on the front page.
It's a social bookmarking site so people will bookmark your forum threads and share them with others. At a minimum you get free backlinks. So you can choose not to allow your visitors to bookmark threads on ThreadSoup if you like but the reality is, if they don't bookmark yours they'll be bookmarking someone elses...