Originally Posted by AMD_Warrior
Nope ive done my homework on this , ive consulted my seo expert and this may slow down my sites pr but the traffic it will bring ill get on top 1,000's in alexa in no time
And the duplicate content part is not a worry either all data is under vbtags.com which has a dedicated ip all other domains are just parked there so all hits are dont by the ip or the domain vbtags.com
So in the end you will get more backlinks.
And its not duplicate content or else all advertising would be duplicated content people amke one image or a paragraph and get it posted on high traffic sites which gets them hits if im doing that under one domain and just giving the submissions a better change at seo then it wont screw it up it just might work out. 
great concept...will check it out later.
but FYI don't know who your "seo expert" is, but depending on how you have those domain set up... it is pretty accepted by the seo community that multiple domains is kinda "black hat" and if not done right with the correct type of redirects you CAN GET PENALIZED!!! you might get away with it for a while...but you might not. most suggest NOT doing it at all if you don't absolutely have to.
been in the biz for many many years myself, but don't take my word for it. seo is an art as much as a science and the rules of the game change everyday. get a backup and a backup "seo expert".