While creating this I had to research into what was being used to spam forums - I won't name the software but it's a sneaky peice of kit, all done legally I might add - but nonetheless annoying for us Administrators. I searched for one particular post the spambot makes - and I got a few thousand hits back. It's a BIG problem.
Not everyone will be bothered about it - I understand that, but I personally don't like the fact robots are posting adverts on my forum.
The one thing I will say is that they claim the software works around EVERY possible type of protection - now understand text is one thing - interpreting an image is something else, PLUS you can use ANY image you like, it will make it VERY VERY hard to any program to decypher what the image actually is.
I did come up with a few other ideas but this seemed to be the best way around it - and at this point I have had NO bots sign up on my site - and I hope this is the same for all those who have installed this.