I would like to nominate my board in case it doesn't make it to the finals for the current month.
Site Name: Insanemustangs
URL Main:
URL Forums:
Insanemustangs Forums
Description: Site decicated to the Ford Mustang Enthusiast's. My site has video's, picture's, timeslips, Forum Discussion's.....and the list goes on.
One of my most exciting part of my site, to come: My site will be a host for a new Internet tv beta program. Right now the program will be based around drag racing, and such. In the future, who know's what this new program will bring:
Reason for Nomination: My site is almost 100% built off of mod's from vbulletin.org. I am very proud of what has been accomplished on my website and feel alot of thank's goes out to Vbulletin.org