Originally Posted by efil
Thank you!
Very nice mod.
How can i open IMDb in new window?
I think that is a VBulletin preference in the ACP (links open in new window), but I am not sure - that is how it works on my forum anyway, with no special code, so it must be a setting, however opening a new window is sometimes a bad idea.
Here are the top 5 reasons why you should beware of opening links in a new window:
- Unless you warn them, Web users are likely to expect the new page to load in the current window. Unexpected surprises can be fun, but not when you're browsing the Web.
- The act of opening a new browser window resets the back button in that window. The back button is the second most used navigation function (after hyperlinks, source: useit.com), so resetting it is a big no-no.
- To open a new browser window can disorient very novice Web users and the visually impaired. They might not realise that a new window has opened and might struggle to switch between windows.
- Opening a new browser window disrespects the desires of your users. If they want a new window, they'll ask for one. Don't force a new window upon users unless there's a very good reason to do so.
- New browser windows can make an already cluttered taskbar even more difficult to use. We've all spent ages hunting through the taskbar in search of the window we want. Don't make this process even harder by increasing the number of windows the user has open.
"But Using New Windows Keeps Users on my Site!"
Not on its own, it doesn't! Web users will stay on a site because it has the information they're looking for, or because it helps them achieve their goals -- not because the browser window is still open. If users want to return to a Website, they'll use the back button. If a new window is used, the back button in this window is reset, so users won't be able to do return to your site using this common method (cue frustrated users).