Originally Posted by r6bbie
I Think You Guys Are All Idiots For Helping Him Make Money Off Of You From Your Forums, Zoints Is Designed To Make Him Money, Get A Clue Little Kiddies, Why Would You Promote Someones Chit For Free While He's The Only One Who Bennifits From It?
I admit it. Zoints is using you and your forums for ulterior motives. However, the system is designed so that while we use you and your forum in an attempt to realize our
10th Guiding Principle, you benefit. I'm all about mutually beneficial relationships.
Does Zoints have the potential to become a reasonably big company? Yes. Will I personally make a lot of money from it? Not really, as I have chosen the path of
karma yoga. I'm one of those annoying dirty (at least at heart

) hippies trying to spread peace and joy. I realize 87.59% of the people reading this just rolled their eyes, laughed, or threw up a little in their mouth (I know I would have a few years ago) but I have a little vision.
Why do I care so much about communities, and more importantly, interconnecting them? Does interconnecting increase traffic for forums? Yes. Does it increase the chance for success? Yes. Does it make forums more "sticky"? Yes. Does it increase revenue? Yes. Does it improve SEO? Yes. But it goes even deeper than that. Forum-based communities are global, borderless extensions of our society. On my personal big-board, more than 140 countries (last I checked) are represented. I have formed so many friendships with people from all over the world that I could go to just about any country and have a place to stay a night and probably a tour guide. Many of these countries are so called "enemies" of the USA.
If we interconnect online commmunities, then the interaction of members from other countries will only grow in scope. And as technologies such as real time language translation come about, then we'll all be able to interact, understand and befriend people of different cultures and belief systems more efficiently. Let's be honest, our governments are never going to bring about peace. It's the common man like you and me forming so many friendships around the world that will help bring it about. Because in the end, when you understand someone and come to befriend them, then only good things can happen.
No, I could care less about the money. I'm perfectly happy driving around my 91 Toyota pickup held together with duct tape and prayers. The day you see me in a fancy car I purchased, by all means, take a picture, stop the presses, and link to this post so the world can call me a fraud.
Will Zoints succeed on the level I hope? I don't know. But I have the resources to try, and in the end, it feels like the right thing to do. I must admit, I never thought trying to do good would be so hard. But if I take a step back and look at it from the perspective of others, I understand why. But in the end,
someone has to try.
/damn hippy
P.S. As for the guy above who prefers Subway, I have filed an order of protection against you with the state of Arizona. You must stay at least 100 yards away from me at all times.