I Think You Guys Are All Idiots For Helping Him Make Money Off Of You From Your Forums, Zoints Is Designed To Make Him Money, Get A Clue Little Kiddies, Why Would You Promote Someones Chit For Free While He's The Only One Who Bennifits From It?
And that is the stupidest theory i have ever heard in my life.
1. Of course he is out to gain something from it. It, maybe fame, fortune, a good time, whatever his goal is he's doing what it takes to get there and he isnt doing anything less then morale, or lying to get to the top. Its a little something called initiative, its what separates his work/forums from others.
Let me ask you, Whats the point of your forum? Is it just to say, "oh hey i have a internet forum. Look how cool i am!" I doubt it.
2. He isnt the only one that benefits from it. I used Zoints for a matter of 3 weeks, and gained a couple of active members from their network before i disabled it while i rework the site. Thats a couple of active members I never would have got without Zoints.