well I can't testify to that as I've missed whats been said previously and going back in threads is an alien thing for me

. I don't know what they have planned but their maybe a way to work up other payment solutions in the future?! After all from what I have seen this whole thing only really came up recently so you'll have to accept there might be some communication issues with defining the costings and working out whats best for all involved. After all they are offering us a solution to a requirement isolated board operators need, could have just been a plain no and left us all scuppered

Seriously though (and this is for everyone) $120 up front and $20 a year for the support / updates and actual interactions with the developers we are getting is great. Sure theres a few things that need sorting out but from what I can see they are well on the way to being rectified so it bodes the question what do they have planned next for it. After all this pricing is only for the likes of myself for everyone its free! <---- <--- <--- <--- free I tell you muhahahahaarrr..
I operate a private board so I need this myself as I don't want my members personal information being distributed around a community other than itself. I can't easily make a system so feature rich as this without either a serious investment of my own time or reverting to some cobbled together version of hacks which is missing a lot of what I really need.