I have the problem to write a global user signup for our multiple vbulletin boards. Due they reside on different servers and only the mysql-server is the same, I am unable to use any vbulletin datamanagers. I wrote my own signup which works pretty well beside 1 little problem. New added users are not clickable and the postcount is n/a (see attached image).
I use the following queries to add an user (the !!xxx!! values are replaced with the given values):
PHP Code:
INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (!!userid!!,2,'',0,'!!username!!','!!password!!','!!passworddate!!','!!email!!',0,'','','','','',1,'Neuer Benutzer',0,!!timestamp!!,0,!!timestamp!!,!!timestamp!!,0,0,10,5,'1',1,0,0,7255,'','0000-00-00',-1,2,'',0,1,'',0,0,-1,0,0,'!!salt!!',0,0,0,0,0,0,'','0','0',0,0,0,0,'',0,0,'',0,0,0,0,0,0,'',0)
INSERT INTO `passwordhistory` VALUES (!!userid!!,'!!password!!','!!passworddate!!');
What other values do I miss? Whereelse does vbulletin write to? If I run the fix-user script in the admincp it corrects the bug. But how do I prevent it from the beginning?