Tim's story sounds like a pile of BS to me.
15-25k cheques? You mean you are not sure? BS.
In the UK we need something called a cheque guarantee card which has your signature, you need this for example to write a cheque for $100 or more. I don't know if it's the case in the US, but only cheques below this value are allowed without the card. Are you telling us they managed to write 250+ cheques before you realised you were robbed? BS.
None of the places they wrote the cheques have any CCTV? BS.
You are assumed guilty before innocent - unless you live in the congo - BS.
You bought 5K worth of PC equipment before refunding our friend here? Get your prioriries straight.
You refunded $20 as a token? What a weak attempt at reconciliation, I have more than that down the side of my sofa.
Sounds like a lot of what you say is BS. Which is a real shame because from what I saw here I thought you were a decent guy. I know 14 sounds a little like 40 but I don't think you can use that excuse with typeface!
I would hope that your story is genuine, but I see you posted plenty on your sites in the last few months and in my quick browse I saw no mention of a robbery or arrest there, and no period in which you were offline.
A real shame that there are thieves among out community. As that's what it comes down to, petty theivery.