Originally Posted by Ntfu2
How about adding a timer to where the cookie expires after x amount of hours
And then in the phrase maybe something like
"Thank you for viewing our content, you've viewed all the content allowed by guests, you can view more unrestricted content in X amount of hours blah blah...:"
i think this would be a great idea, but just have it that the guest can return to the board after 24hours say and then view a thead again, and if they click another thread then they get the msg.
But just have the existing msgs, not the X hours left, becuse then they might just not bother registering or they may come back to view latter without thinking to reg.
Maybe this can all be set in the admincp for this. So it can be cusomised to suite your own forum.
Just some ideas though,
So far its a great hack though, thanks heaps

working great on my board