Sorry, I meant 3.5.4. Installed this mail system into 3.5.4 VB.
For some reason, all e-mails that I sent immediately after the instllation wont go into vbmial box. but two hours later it did, and now work every time. Sent the mail - see it in vbmail box almost immediately.
An important point to whoever is going to use this hack. Set in the vb User Banning Options banned email list to prevent users from using their as the primary site contact, or the script will enter into a loop trying to send notifications non stop.
This will force ppl to have another email address. And they will less likely use your mail system. I think it will be better to prevent sending notification in case if is used as a contact. Disable it for mail and for all other notifications.
Or, even better, disable server from enter into a loop trying to send notifications non stop. Have to check the code..