Well .. it seems like the plugins for checking mail are working as I now have some log entries

.. the problem I now have is that imap isn't installed (Doh!) .. My ISP is looking at that now
Thanks for the pointers towards changing the name in the title and breadcrumbs .. that's now sorted
A couple of small things ..
it seems like something is the wrong away round .. say my alias is "slave" and my forum account is "Slave" .. when I send out an email the received name and email address look like this ..
Spot the incorrect capitalisation ..
and finally .. when viewing vbms.php the breadcrumb is a bit funny .. the sitename is about 5 spaces away from the folder image, any idea why that would be? It's ok on all the other vbms pages ..
Thanks again

.. this hack will rock once I get imap installed :bored: