Originally Posted by Belder
I got the fluid version of this from here quite recently. I've installed it now and had a minor query, but I can't find the post!
Well 1st of all, thanks for a great Christmas theme - fluid width skins are all we use on my site, and it was hard to find something as good as this.
The problem, well - not really a problem but I'd like to resolve it: I installed the theme as a child of the vB default theme. Some modifications have been made to various templates, but no copyright info was removed. There appears to be no credit or link for the design in the footer (or anywhere else).
Everything else is just fine.
So foruma-z, if this was ommited in error, please Email me with the info you'd like displayed and I'll put it in. Credit where it's due, this is good work!
The theme will be our default view from December 1st '06 to January 5th '07.
Use the xml I posted! I updated the link in the footer

Its not fluid though. and its 3.6.3
How do you have it fluid? is the header different or does it just center? I can do both but I like it when the header is the same size as the forum home
It is possible to take a little sliver of the header image and make a left and right repeat image. That is great for preventing broken layouts!