We're going to delay gold for a couple days to resolve the two major complaints community owners have at this time:
1. The navbar/header/footer will be able to automatically be added.
2. We're going to rework the "Communities" link in the header. Instead of pointing to
http://zoints.com/communities, we are instead going to create a system where forum owners can network with each other. "Subnetworks". For example, if you own an auto detailing forum, it would be in your interest to network with a honda and a toyota forum that don't have auto detailing subforums. Then, when you or your members click on the Communities link, instead of being taken to Zoints, a dropdown appears with links to those communities you are networked with. Yes, if you're a forum owner with 5 forums, you can network with yourself.
Thank you for your continued feedback so that we can improve Zoints Local. It is greatly appreciated