Hi, What I want to do is to take 2 IPB forums and to merge the users into one so they dont have to recreate memebers.
I planed to take the user DB from one forum, and move it to an other.
But one of the IPB boards is 2.0.1 and the board I want to bring it to is 1.3
So the User DB is not the same to then turn it into Vbulletin.
Heres a scretch of what I want to do

site 1 is IPB 2.0.1
site 2 is IPB 1.3
I want to keep messages of Site 2, and add all the User DB of site 1 into Site 2.
Then to change it with all the users database into vBulletin.
Anyone got tips to give me to do so or anything that can help me?