Please forgive if I'm misusing this thread, I'm somewhat new to Vbulletin in general and the .org side in particular, so I'm I'm violating accepted usage mea culpa! I blame my 4 & 5 year olds who are currently asking me what a session variable *is*

Anyway, I'm looking for a way to leverage vB's authentication system in a new version of our site that I'm working on. We're using Dreamweaver with InteraKt extensions (got the full suite just before Adobe bought them out), and will be doing a lot of picture uploads to member specific sub directories to allow the members to create a "pool" of pictures that they can use to create articles for our site etc.
Can pages created using webtemplates reference and use includes located in the root web directory? In other words, can I use all the functionality of my Dreamweaver extensions WITHIN a WebTemplates page? Would it be as simple as composing a .php page with Dreamweaver and then copy/pasting the code into WebTemplates and then setting permissions etc in the Admin CP? That would just be my dream come true at this point. I'm not entirely sure I understand the basic functioning of WebTemplates but it sounds like that might be possible? The main thing I need is to be able to restict access to my pages based on vB's authentication and pull username and primary group memberid out of either a session variable or cookie for use within my code.
If WebTemplates isn't likely to be a good fit for me, can anyone point me in the right direction? Pretty please?
Thanks in advance for any assistance/explanation you can provide!