Originally Posted by nexus851
Please inform if you can at least add the auto watermark version on the public or commercial release. Ill definitely buy one right now if this can be done or an idea of when it can be done by you... appreciate it
There is 2 ways of doing this, but one is slightly tricky.
1. A permenent way would be adding the watermark data to the FLV's Meta data, this currently has to be done by an injection method on the FLV file. I only know of one program that can do this, which is Captionate (commercial) - capable of watermarking and subtitling any FLV file.
2. The other method is adding a dynamic field to the player, but this doesn't actually watermark the FLV files, it simply places your logo/text as an 'overlay' when any FLV is streamed through the player. Obviously, not permenent since it is not altering any data in the FLV.
If a watermarking system was incorporated, it would probably use the 2nd method, since this would be easier to add. The first method would require extensive knowledge, and if possible to run such a script from server-side.