Originally Posted by pokerie
Thanks for the PM Dchapman. May aswell ask you here since others are asking too, be easier for you to answer us all together  Is the $20 per month for the Autonomy License the only option or is there a once off payment option too? Could you please also explain the advantages this would have over this hack for those who prefer to keep it completely localised?
Prices provided above.
Advantages over the free version? There aren't any in my opinion. What would be the advantages for a city in the USA that blew up all their major roads in and out? Do you really think that will keep the people in that want to leave the city? It sure keeps lots of people out and stops all kinds of interaction. If communities truly become interconnected (and they will, even if its not Zoints that pulls it off) we're going to have a few virtual North Korea's on the internet I think.