Originally Posted by bada_bing
I have noticed on the code you posted there seems to a couple lines that look very identical???
Code in question below
<img src="$foruminfo[sponsor_banner_big]" alt="$foruminfo[sponsor_name]" border="0" />
<img src="$foruminfo[sponsor_banner]" alt="$foruminfo[sponsor_name]" border="0" />
That's for support of large banners in the forum. If you don't have a large banner specified, it will use the small banner instead.
Originally Posted by bada_bing
sorry to be a pest...
I have done this to correct the allignment of the banner and it works. BUT the text (Visit Our Site  is still on the left.. How can I also Center that text or either place it under the banner or below the banner ?
HTML Code:
<if condition="$foruminfo[sponsor_enabled] == 1 AND $vboptions[sponsor_global_enable_sponsorship] == 1">
<div align="center>
$vbphrase[sponsored_by] <a href="vB.Sponsors/link.php?f=$foruminfo[forumid]" title="$foruminfo[sponsor_name]" target="_blank">
<p align="center">
<if condition="$foruminfo[sponsor_banner_enabled] == 1 AND $vboptions[sponsor_global_enable_banners] == 1">
<if condition="!empty($foruminfo[sponsor_banner_big])">
<img src="$foruminfo[sponsor_banner_big]" alt="$foruminfo[sponsor_name]" border="0" />
<else />
<img src="$foruminfo[sponsor_banner]" alt="$foruminfo[sponsor_name]" border="0" />
<else />
Replace the <div> tags I suggested with what you came up with. I'm no HTML layout guru. Just a lowly programmer.